Family Engagement: Item Distribution

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Emergency Services: Provides emergency assistance to any family who comes to the WSCC if need is within the scope of our services (i.e., food, baby items, children’s clothing, hygiene products, household items, etc.). If the need is not within the scope that we can provide, we will connect clients with other service providers. 

Collection and distribution of various items: Family Engagement staff collects and distributes various items to the children/youth who come to us in need. Items may include clothing items, hygiene products, books, school supplies and uniforms, winter jackets, hats, gloves and boots, and seasonal items, such as Easter baskets. 

Shoes and Clothes for Kids Distributions: As a distribution partner with Shoes and Clothes for Kids, we coordinate distributions of child- and youth-specific items over 4-5 distributions throughout a year. These items include winter jackets, hats and gloves, school uniforms and school supplies, shoe gift cards, and other clothing items. Family Engagement staff invites families to place orders and/or to schedule an appointment to pick up these items. Student ID numbers are required to participate in these distributions.